
Hi. I’m Sam.

There it is; I’ve started a blog.

I’ve been spiraling toward this for a long time, and have always put it off for one reason or another: “I don’t have time”; “it feels self-centered”; “nobody wants to read my writing.”

But now here I am, in the midst of a global pandemic. As a professional stage actor, I find myself out of work for the foreseeable future–and, along with my job prospects, all of my reasons for not starting a blog have disappeared.

Because of course I have time; I have nothing but time these days.

And while it still feels self-centered, perhaps being self-centered is the best way to exercise self-care in our current situation. Also, I need to figure out a way to transition from my current line of work to a new one, using my existing skill set–certainly a self-centered motivation, but a reasonable one that serves the purpose of keeping a roof over my head and food on my coffee table (I eat in front of the TV, which may not be the most mindful practice, but I enjoy it).

Finally, while my endlessly self-conscious inner child begs to return to the realm of video games and consumable media, urging the rest of me not to go through with this because “nobody wants to read my writing”, the self-assured adult in me (he’s in there somewhere) remembers that if nobody else wants to read my writing, at least my mother does.

(Hi, Mom!)

And so I’ve started a blog, partly so that I can lay down some thoughts that run through my brain, and partly so that I have a forum to compile pieces that I’ve already written: articles, essays, song lyrics, poems, etc.

In the interest of a career pivot, which requires effort, action, and proof of concept, I’ll also be throwing together some mock-up copywriting projects and placing them here–figuring that if I have a place to put them, potential employers will have a place to find them.

So there it is: my reasoning, which serves as much to bolster my initiative as it does to explain why I hope you, the reader, will bear with me as I put myself out there.

I hope you enjoy it; I hope I enjoy it; I hope the world gets back to normal soon.

Until it does, I’ll be more writer than actor.

Here goes…

7 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. Kim Brough

    Sam, I’m so glad you’re doing this as I love your writing and it will be a great outlet for you. I’ve thought of you, Tyler and those in your profession during this pandemic and it saddens me to think of all the hard work you’ve put in and how it was taken from you. Until you are back on the stage, enjoy this new endeavor and I’m sure we all will too!

    1. Thank you, Kim–you’re always so wonderful and supportive. I’ll definitely be putting more content on here in the coming days, so stay tuned!

  2. Greg Zane

    You’re so smart!! I’m excited to read your future musings, articles, songs, lyrics!!

    1. Thanks, Greg! (Secretly, it was all written for you.)

  3. Q

    This is exciting Sam! you are a gem and I am glad we get to read what goes on in your brain!!

  4. John Shelby Richey

    Sam, I want to read your writing. Even your authentic expressions of self-doubt are thoughtful and vital. You are a positive influence and an inspiration. And I, for one, need positive inspiration, now more than ever.

  5. Looking forward to reading more, Sam.

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