Something’s Coming

A couple of things:

  1. I’ve moved! Some of you may have visited my blog in its earliest days at–that site will very soon be no more, so let’s forget it ever existed.

    Welcome to! (I’m a fan of simplifying things.)

    I’m very new to self-hosted WordPress, and if anybody’s unfamiliar, there’s a fairly sharp learning curve. So please bear with me as I stumble my way through basic coding and conversations with customer service bots. Honestly, be glad you’re not the bots.

  2. I’m starting a fairly substantial writing project, and I look forward to sharing my work with you.

    I’ll be writing features of theatre professionals–what they do, how they do it, and what they’re doing to survive the global pandemic. I’ve only just reached out to my community on Facebook and was amazed at the response; I’ve had about 80 applicants in two days!

    So far it’s been a lot of data aggregation, organization, and preparation, but I’m hoping to compile some interviews and have an article or two out within the week, so stay tuned.

  3. I said “a couple of things”, and a third makes it a few; I apologize for lying.

    I’d like to thank everybody who’s reached out, commented, and/or subscribed. This is a bit of an exciting and scary adventure for me, so I appreciate knowing that I have friends willing to come along with me.

    That being said, if you subscribed to my old blog, I would appreciate you subscribing to this site instead. I promise I won’t clog your inbox with information from both sites. You’ll find a newsletter subscription box in the About section, but I’ll post one below for good measure.

    With that, I leave you with this:
    “Self-love, my liege, is not so great a sin as self-neglect.” – Shakespeare (Henry V)